My Least Favorite Things About The South

As much as I love the south, it does have its’ drawbacks. The list below contains some of my least favorite things about the south.

  1. Gnats: Tiny, almost invisible little creatures that team up to invade my eyes, ears, nose and mouth during the summer. The cure: a dab of Avon’s Skin-so-Soft on my temples, across my forehead and under my chin.
  2. Fire Ants:  There can be a dozen people outside enjoying cookout and these little dispensers of pain and anguish will find me!
  3. Mosquitoes: Few things are as worrisome as having a good night’s sleep interrupted by the constant buzz of a mosquito. How can something so small be so loud?!?!
  4. Chiggers:  Aka redbugs. You have no idea you have been attacked until the next day when you have intensely itchy, red, raised whelps in places that can’t be scratched in public.

  5. Roaches: Aka palmetto bugs. Large, ugly creepy-crawlies that make you want to run and hide.

  6. Humidity:  You work so hard to get the perfect hair-do then walk outside into air that is 98% saturated w/moisture only to find all your hair efforts have dissolved.
  7. Pollen:  Spring in the South means a layer of fine, yellow dust on everything…your car, yard, porch, and even carried into buildings on the soles of shoes.
  8.   Road-Kill:  There are lots of critters in the south and many haven’t learned to use a crosswalk. Ooops…..another squirrel.
  9. Tornados: Can ruin a perfectly good day in seconds.

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