Icons From The South

Famous people come from all around the world, but I bet you didn’t know that some of your favorite celebrities were born and raised in the south. Which names below surprised you?

  1. Elvis Presley:  Cultural icon, and the “King of Rock-n-Roll”
  2. Jerry Reid: Musician, song writer and actor with a terrific sense of humor.
  3. Julia Roberts: Small town Ga girl who became an acclaimed actress and producer.
  4. Margaret Mitchell: Author of the most famous movie about the South
  5. Mark Twain: Author, lecturer and humorist who gave the South the gift of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
  6. Jeff Foxworthy: “You know you are a redneck….” comedian, actor and author who made being a redneck cool.
  7. Nicholas Sparks: Author, screen writer who has caused many women’s hearts to melt and some to break!
  8. Jimmy Carter: 39th President of the USA and recipient of Nobel Peace Prize.
  9. Rosa Parks: Helped turn the tide in the Civil Rights Movement by refusing to give up her seat. One person can make a difference!
  10. Martin Luther King, Jr:  Pastor & Activist who Led Civil Rights Movement through peaceful protests. Author of “I Have a Dream”.

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